Brushing Scam: How to Avoid Falling Victim

Brushing scams are a type of fraud that has become increasingly prevalent in recent years. These scams involve the manipulation of online retailer's data to make it appear as though a large number of items have been purchased from the seller's website. This fraudulent activity is usually carried out by third-party sellers who are looking to artificially inflate their sales numbers and improve their product's visibility on the platform. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at brushing scams, exploring what they are and how they work.

What is a Brushing Scam?

Brushing scam is a form of e-commerce fraud that occurs when an individual or group artificially inflates the sales and popularity of a product by ordering multiple items and having them shipped to different addresses, typically fake ones. This is done with the intent of manipulating the product's ranking and visibility on e-commerce platforms, making it appear more popular and trustworthy to potential buyers.

How Does Brushing Scam Work?

The brushing scam typically begins with the fraudster ordering a large number of low-cost items using a stolen or fake identity and shipping address. The seller then receives positive feedback and product reviews from the fraudster, making it appear as if the items were sold to and received by real customers. This can help boost the product's visibility and ranking on e-commerce platforms, making it more attractive to unsuspecting buyers.

The fraudster then profits from the sales made to these unsuspecting buyers, either by keeping the profits or selling the items at a higher price. In some cases, the brushing scam may also involve the use of fake social media accounts to artificially inflate the product's popularity and increase its visibility online.

Brushing scams can be difficult to detect, as the fraudsters often use fake identities and addresses, and the items they order may not even be received or used by real customers. However, victims of brushing scams may experience financial losses, and the inflated product rankings and positive feedback can mislead potential buyers into making unwise purchasing decisions.

How can you detect a brushing scam?

Detecting brushing scams can be difficult as it often goes unnoticed. However, there are a few signs that can indicate that you may be a victim of a brushing scam. One of the most common signs is the receipt of an unexpected package in the mail. This package may contain low-value items, such as cheap toys or small electronics, that you did not order. Additionally, you may notice an increase in your shipping or handling fees. Another sign to look out for is an unusual number of positive reviews or comments on your products, particularly if the reviews appear to be written in broken English or are otherwise suspicious in nature.

To further detect brushing scams, it's important to regularly monitor your online accounts and check your order history. If you notice any suspicious orders or charges, it's important to report them to the relevant marketplace or platform and take appropriate action to recover your funds. You should also be vigilant when sharing personal information, such as your name, address, and phone number, online and make sure to use strong passwords for all of your accounts. Regularly checking your credit report for any unauthorized activity is another way to detect brushing scams. If you are the victim of a brushing scam, it's important to report it to the authorities and take the necessary steps to recover your funds and protect your personal information.

Why is the brushing scam dangerous?

Brushing scams are a dangerous form of fraud that can have serious consequences for both businesses and consumers. In a brushing scam, an individual or group of individuals create fake accounts and use them to purchase items from a business. They then manipulate shipping information so that the products are delivered to a different address, often overseas. This gives the appearance that the business has a high volume of sales, which can increase its visibility and credibility in online marketplaces.

However, the dangers of brushing scams go far beyond just a boost in visibility. For businesses, brushing scams can cause significant financial losses as they are often forced to pay for the fraudulent orders and shipping costs. Additionally, the fake accounts and fake sales can skew sales data, making it difficult for businesses to accurately track and measure their business performance. For consumers, brushing scams can lead to identity theft and the unauthorized use of their personal information. This can result in serious financial and credit damage that can take years to repair. Overall, brushing scams are a serious threat to both businesses and consumers, and it is essential that everyone takes steps to protect themselves from this type of fraud.

Examples of brushing scam

There are various examples of brushing scams that have been observed in different industries. One common example is in the e-commerce industry, where individuals create fake accounts and use them to purchase items from an online store. The scammers then manipulate shipping information to have the products delivered to a different address, often overseas. This not only gives the appearance of increased sales but also gives the business a false sense of its customer base and market reach.

Another example of a brushing scam is in the gaming industry, where scammers create fake accounts to boost their in-game rankings or reputation. This can be done by purchasing virtual items or completing certain tasks, which are then credited to the fake account. This not only skews the rankings, but it also undermines the integrity of the gaming community and creates an unfair advantage for the scammers. Brushing scams can also occur in social media, where fake accounts are created to increase the visibility of certain posts or pages. This can be used to spread false information or manipulate public opinion, which can have serious consequences for individuals, businesses, and even entire countries.

What should you do if they scammed you with a brushing scam?

If you have fallen victim to a brushing scam, there are several steps you should take to protect yourself and your personal information. The first step is to immediately contact the retailer where the fraudulent purchase was made and inform them of the scam. Provide them with all relevant information, such as the fake account and shipping information. This will help the retailer take appropriate action, such as cancelling the order and launching an investigation.

It is also important to monitor your financial accounts and credit reports for any unauthorized activity. This can help you catch any fraudulent activity early on and prevent further damage to your financial and credit standing. If you notice any unauthorized transactions or activities, you should immediately report them to your financial institution and the relevant authorities, such as the police or the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). You should also change your passwords for all online accounts, especially those related to the scam, to prevent further unauthorized access to your personal information. Additionally, you can consider setting up fraud alerts or credit freezes to protect your credit information. Taking these steps can help you recover from a brushing scam and prevent future scams from affecting you.

How can help you if you are scammed by brushing scammers? is a company that specializes in cyber forensic investigations and can help individuals and businesses that have been scammed by brushing scams. The company has a team of experienced and certified cyber forensic investigators who use state-of-the-art tools and techniques to track down the source of the scam and retrieve any stolen data. They can also help you recover any financial losses that may have resulted from the scam.

The company's services go beyond just identifying the source of the scam and recovering stolen data. They can also help you prevent future scams by conducting a thorough security assessment of your systems and networks. This includes identifying and fixing vulnerabilities that may have been exploited by the scammers. Additionally, the company can provide training and education to help you and your employees recognize and avoid scams in the future. By partnering with, you can take the necessary steps to protect yourself and your business from future brushing scams and other types of cybercrime.

In conclusion, it is important for individuals to be vigilant and cautious when making purchases online, and to look for red flags such as unusual shipping addresses or suspicious product reviews. E-commerce platforms can also take steps to monitor and detect brushing scams by verifying the authenticity of product reviews and tracking unusual order patterns.

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